


If it's true that we have so much knowledge, how can society be so messed up?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I've heard that the present generation is filled with more knowledge than at any time in history. If this is true, how can society be so messed up? Is knowledge the same as wisdom? -- G.L.

A: The eighth chapter of Proverbs is deep and wide because it is the voice of wisdom speaking to our hearts. It is the Lord Jesus Himself gathering up His eternal attributes that call out to us with His understanding, truth, righteousness, knowledge and instruction, prudence and discretion, reverence, counsel, strength, love, riches and honor, justice, rejoicing, blessing, wisdom, and eternal life.

Knowledge is fact-gathering; wisdom is applying knowledge with discernment and good judgment. The Bible says, "The Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding" (Proverbs 2:6).

But the blessing of knowledge becomes a curse when we pervert it. If ever a generation was bequeathed the knowledge of God, it has been the generations of today. Yet we are throwing away the glorious heritage on self-pleasure and satisfying immediate gratification. Our worldly wisdom has made us calloused and hard. Our natural wisdom comes not from God, but is earthly, sensual, and devilish. In spite of the knowledge young people have accumulated, they are more confused, bewildered, frustrated, and without moral moorings. Today an educated, civilized society is turning its face against God, ignoring Him as the Source of all knowledge and wisdom.


The only right place to turn is God's Word to learn about knowledge and wisdom and how to apply them to life. "According to your word [O Lord], teach me knowledge and good judgment" (Psalm 119:65-66, NIV).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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