


Could my friend's drifting from church hurt our relationship?

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: A friend of mine has drifted far away and no longer wants to be around me. We once vacationed together and enjoyed the same things. I didn't think much about why until I learned that she stopped going to church and began frequenting clubs and posting strange articles on Facebook. Could this have anything to do with our changed friendship? -- D.F.

A: There are many things that confront us in life that shape our thinking and our desires. When someone has been accustomed to going to church and doing things that please God and suddenly their lifestyle changes, there is reason for concern. We all should be on the alert because for many people it doesn't take much to divert attention from the more important things in life.

Just think about the incredible number of messages that rain down on us every day; television ads, emails and social media, phone calls, magazines, junk mail, videos, billboards, conversations -- the list is almost endless. How many of them subtly convince us that the road is paved with possessions, or beauty, or money, or fame, or any of a hundred other things? How many of them persuade us that the most important thing in life is financial success or the esteem of others? It is hard to resist the cumulative impact of so many messages.


But God says our thinking must be shaped by His truth. What this world calls valuable, God calls worthless. What this world scorns, God exalts. The Bible says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways" (Isaiah 55:8). Pray for those who have drifted from God and gone the way of the world and be consistent in your life as a testimony to the Lord.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)




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