


Lori Borgman: Conversations are growing ear-resistible

Lori Borgman, Tribune News Service on

Published in Lifestyles

My husband and I have experienced some hearing loss. The most frequently heard word at our house is "WHAT!?"

More pressing than our physical hearing loss is our selective hearing loss, something that happens to couples who have been married a long time.

Just the other day, the husband was working on his laptop at the kitchen table with his back to me as I was scurrying from the stove to the fridge to the cabinets, making dinner and simultaneously telling a riveting story.

I've forgotten what the story was about, but I remember that it was a good story. I know this because all my stories are good stories.

I suspected he wasn't listening to me, and that wouldn't matter, but he was missing a good story.

I told him as much.


No response.

I continued with my riveting story and still no response.

I was quiet for a few minutes and then I said, "Your hair is on fire."

Still no response.


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