Life Advice



Ask Amy: Retired woman isn’t leaving her day jobs

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I am a very active 66-year-old woman. I hate being idle.

My mostly amazing husband doesn’t mind idle time.

This would be OK, except he resents my constant coming and going.

After retiring from a stressful corporate job, I have two part-time jobs; one that takes about eight hours during the week and the other four hours on the weekend.

I also enjoy fitness, riding horses, playing with our grandson, and socializing during the day.

I let my husband know years ago that I would hardly be home when I retired. Rarely do I go out with friends in the evening as we are both happy at home cooking and enjoying TV.


My husband doesn’t understand my daytime activities and doesn’t share my interests. We’ve fought about this and he gets very upset.

I could never be happy at home every day, but that is what makes him happy.

I love him and don’t want to cause him hurt, but after 24 years together I’m wondering if we are incompatible.

He won’t go to couples counseling and I’m not sure what, if anything, I should do.


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