Life Advice



Ask Amy: Skeptical mom longs for female friendship

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I'm in my 40s. I have grandchildren, and also my own toddler at home.

I feel very blessed to have had a baby at my age, but something that has eluded me is female friendships.

I live in a rural area, but I know that's not really the problem.

I long to have a trustworthy friend.

My only friend died over two years ago, and since then I've been fooled by women who later turned on me.

I've always had more guy friends than women friends, but most of those friendships with guys never worked out, as they had ulterior motives.


Are there any online sites I could look to for friends?

I'm warm, friendly, and caring.

I know social media glamorizes people's lives, but I see women every day with loving and close friendships.

It makes me feel even more like an outsider.


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