Life Advice



Ask Amy: Elderly relatives lurk and report intel

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

And then you should ask them, “Can you do me a favor and not tell me about the house? Instead, I’d like to hear about how you’re doing.”

Dear Amy: This week I received an invitation to a “pre-wedding celebration” for a woman I have never met. It looks like a bridal shower invite, but I honestly don’t quite know.

When my husband got home I shared this mystery with him. Do we know this person?

He finally figured out that this event is related to one of his co-workers and that this woman is his co-worker’s fiancée. Evidently we are going to be invited to their wedding but have not received that invitation. Furthermore, it is unlikely that we would attend.

Am I obligated to attend this celebration? If I don’t attend, should I send a gift? (The registry was listed on the invitation.)

– Puzzled

Dear Puzzled: I have chastised people for accusing marrying couples of inviting people to their various celebrations as a “gift grab,” but I have to admit that, hoo-boy, this sure seems like one.

You are not obligated to attend a party held for a total stranger and attended by other strangers. You are not obligated to give a gift to this person.

The polite thing to do is to give a quick RSVP and hold onto your wallet.


Dear Amy: “Harried Husband” asked about his wife’s desire to accompany him and their three-year-old (and year-old baby) on the kids’ first airplane flight.

If the Mom isn’t a frequent flyer, I’m guessing her toddler’s first flight would be an important milestone in both of their lives.

– Infrequent Flyer (Frequent Reader)

Dear Infrequent: As someone who flies a lot (with and without babies and children) I assure you that this particular milestone is wasted on a toddler.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

©2024 Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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