Life Advice



Ask Amy: Family tragedy leads to unfounded accusation

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: Two years ago, my family experienced the tragedy of a homicide-suicide by a beloved family member.

It was a difficult time for all.

The evening of the night it happened, I was there and am believed to be the last person to have seen them alive.

I am in therapy now, but I really struggled with this.

Last year, we held a beautiful memorial tribute to our deceased family members. Many people came in from out of town, and I opened my home over that week as a place to gather.

Over dinner with my husband, my daughter, my cousin, and my sibling's family, the conversation turned to the timeline of that night.


My husband unfortunately drank too much, and my cousin took offense.

She began to needle him verbally, and he barked at her.

I was furious with him that evening and did my best to smooth it over with her.

In my mind, her actions were less wrong; she was grieving and has had a negative experience with someone in her life related to alcohol.


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