Life Advice



Ask Amy: Neighbors’ plant is a Little Shop of Horrors

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

They whack down the whole thing to the dirt every fall, cleaning it like it’s a bathroom.

This gives this weed all the sunlight it wants, and now their choices are affecting me.

Time is of the essence. There is a short window where this can be taken care of, before I have to wait another year, and then it will be twice as bad.

What can I say, or offer to do, without overstepping?

– Trying to be a Good Neighbor

Dear Good Neighbor: First, you should acknowledge the possibility that your neighbors like to look out and see this carpet of glossy leaves sprinkled with yellow flowers in early spring. They may see it as the perfect, low-effort landscape that requires no mowing or maintenance.


(Where I live, we call this plant “Brazen Hussy,” which is reason enough to like it.)

So before approaching your neighbors, you should prepare yourself for the idea that they either like what they have, or simply don’t want to change. Do not assume that they don’t care.

In my view your best option is to offer your full expertise to them.

Acknowledge that this plant is a pretty harbinger of spring.


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