Life Advice



Ask Amy: A woman wants partner’s permission to roam

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: I live in Southern California. The state is encouraging people to bring reusable bags to the store, but if you don’t have your own bags, you can purchase a plastic bag from the store for a dime.

The store I was at has an employee watching over the self-checkout. They will hand out bags to those who need them.

Today I was using the self-checkout register. I had my own bag.

A man next to me reached into the employee’s kiosk area and took a plastic bag to bag his groceries.

The store employee hadn’t seen what he’d done. She did ask if he needed a bag, and he said no.

My question for you is – should I have told the employee what I’d witnessed?


Someone I told my story to said that it was only a dime so it’s not a huge deal.

My response was that stealing is stealing no matter the amount involved.

I didn’t report what I’d seen, but it is bothering me.

– Torn in Southern California


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