Life Advice



Ask Amy: Community cooperation group forgets to cooperate

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

– Organizer With a Problem

Dear Organizer: I think you should stage a coup. You should review the group’s mission statement or statement of purpose, and if this is in conflict with the way the group actually operates, you should raise this publicly, suggest specific changes to the way the group operates, and ask for a vote.

State your case clearly and passionately. Continue to advocate during meetings. And if you don’t see significant change, then yes – you should found or join another organization that aligns more closely with your goals for communication and inclusion.

Dear Amy: I have osteoarthritis in my right-hand fingers, maybe due to years of shaking hands as part of my business.

When the pandemic hit, I was glad that people became aware that shaking hands spreads germs, and most people stopped doing it.

Now, we seem to be moving back to the practice of shaking hands, and that can be very, very painful for me, because of my arthritis.


Sometimes I do shake hands (hoping that the other person has a gentle handshake), and sometimes I hold up my hands and say, “Sorry, I’m just getting over a cold.”

Sometimes I just offer a ‘fist bump’ instead.

What’s your opinion about me going ‘fist bump’ full time (without explaining to the person that I have arthritis?)

– Hurtin’ for Certain


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