Life Advice



Ask Amy: Yard-yacht sails into the neighborhood

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

I'd like to address his crassness and mend the fence —- the fence he likely has no idea is damaged, despite his post on social media.

I tend to be direct with people, and that's not always the most desirable trait when trying to mend fences.

Then I think: Why even bother? His post says a lot more about him than it does us.

What are your thoughts?

– Neighborly

Dear Neighborly: The popular app Nextdoor has developed something of a reputation as a conveyance for snippy, obnoxious, toxic comments (and worse) between neighbors and about neighborhoods.


This is what happens when the entire neighborhood shows up (virtually) for what people might think is a block party, but which quickly devolves into a snip-fest. Reading comments posted there can be like overhearing the conversation at the “mean girls” table in the middle school cafeteria, only to realize that they’re talking about you!

My theory is that most people who post snarky, derisive comments never dream that their comment will actually be read by the person they are degrading.

So yes – laugh at the concept of your yard-yacht.

Also contact “John” (NOT on the app): “I read your comment about our boat on Nextdoor. I hope our land-yacht being parked there now is an improvement for you.”


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