Life Advice



Ask Amy: Aspiring journalist’s instructor buried the lede

Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Challenged: If you don’t think these cousins are “unintelligent,” then don’t assume their intelligence is somehow in play because of how they voted, how they worship, or how aggrieved they feel.

They are upset. They believe they are victims of what has been proven – over and over again — to have been a fair election.

Irrational, yes, but if you voted for the Democrat candidate in 2016, you might remember how it felt to be declared a citizen of Loserville, USA. You might have felt like a victim of some mysterious process. Nonetheless, you had to get on with it, just the way these very nice and supportive people will have to get on with it.

If you find they are including you in multiple political text conversations that you would rather not participate in, you could respond: “Just letting you know – It’s been an exhausting year. I’m hoping to take a break from politics. Feel free to exclude me from those discussions. I’d love to chime in on just about anything else.”

Dear Amy: Your very dumb response to the mom who didn’t like her husband’s daily pot smoking [“Smoked Out”] revealed your prejudice about pot.

There is nothing wrong with smoking pot. If she doesn’t like the smoke, he should use edibles or vape his pot.

— Daily User


Dear User: Edibles and vaping are good suggestions for avoiding some of the toxins in pot smoke.

I view pot use as I would view alcohol use. Although the effects are very different from these two substances, I believe that using either drug all day long, every day, is not a healthy choice.


(You can email Amy Dickinson at or send a letter to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or Facebook.)

©2020 Amy Dickinson. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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