Life Advice



Physician is told to heel himself

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Worried: First things first. If your account is accurate (I'm assuming it is), then this health teacher should be brought up short. Teachers are "mandatory reporters" -- meaning that they must report any suspicion of child abuse (as a physician, I assume that you are, too). This teacher skirted this mandate by accusing you of doing something "tantamount to child abuse," basically leveling a deeply offensive accusation -- without the benefit of due process.

You are being bullied by your child's teacher for providing informed and accurate information to your own daughter.

This teacher's contact with you was out of line and inappropriate, and the statement she made was sexist and obnoxious.

Too many parents abrogate their own responsibility to inform their children about sex and relationships, and leave these important conversations in the hands of (in your daughter's case) ignorant, uninformed and/or uninspired others.

In some schools, educators are actually prevented from supplying accurate and detailed information about sex to adolescents. (Is keeping young people ignorant about human reproduction also tantamount to child abuse?)

You did the right thing. I hope you will continue to answer your daughter's questions about sex and relationships. If she isn't comfortable talking to you, the options you've presented (women friends, or her pediatrician), are perfect.


Dear Amy: My girlfriend and I have been together for about three years. We each have children.

Initially, I had a hard time treating all of the children as if they were my own. She had no problem taking mine on as her own.

I didn't treat her and her kids the best, so eventually we split up over a period of about three months.

We got back together about six months ago, and I finally got my act together and am doing my part -- but she is very cold to me, and says she can't get over my past mistakes.


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