Life Advice



Successful son fails at relationship with mom

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Dear Amy: My adult son is highly successful in a demanding field. He and I have had a close and loving relationship for all of his life -- until recently.

The more success and recognition he gains, the harder he is on me, finding fault with little things. This leads to a lecture on my "bad behavior," sending hurtful texts, and with the latest outburst, a complete breaking off of our relationship.

He and his wife are having their first child. I traveled to their home in another state for a pre-baby visit.

Prior to my arrival, my son had called me to say that he was in a tough emotional spot and to ask that I be aware of that. I was extremely careful. However, during a conversation, I innocently commented that I was happy that the name they chose for the baby was one I had once suggested. The response was an immediate and vicious attack, where he accused me of being "narcissistic" and "kicking him when he's down."

I was shocked and extremely hurt. I packed my things, said goodbye and left.

He first sent me a text apologizing for hurting me, but then later sent a very angry, very hurtful message that essentially cuts me out of his life.

His wife, with whom I have always had a good relationship, has remained silent.

Amy, I do not know how to process my pain. His father (now deceased) was an angry, emotionally and verbally abusive man, and I see the same traits in my son. I miss the son I used to know.

I have a chronic illness that for the most part is under control, but now I am unable to eat, sleep or stop crying. I am now worried about my health.

I don't know where to go from here.

-- Heartbroken

Dear Heartbroken: You must protect your health. Biofeedback, meditation, medication and talk therapy could all help.

Your son told you that he is in a "tough emotional spot." What does he mean? His volatile behavior might indicate that he is struggling through some mental health challenges of his own.

If your son is so volatile toward you, you can imagine how powerless his wife might feel. Don't expect her to intervene.

You need professional guidance, and your son does, too. For now, try not to catastrophize this encounter, or look too far into the future. Manage your current crisis with a therapist; accept and process your own grief in stages. You should also urge your son to get therapeutic help. Understand that you can lead him toward insight, but you cannot make him participate in the process.


Dear Amy: My boyfriend and I are in college. He gets very angry if I get better grades than him, or when I get an internship offer. When I succeed, he makes me feel as if I have done something wrong.

My first reaction when I do well is to be afraid of what he will say and how he will feel.

I got him an internship, but he still isn't happy. I never get to be happy for my success because he always gets upset and makes an issue about it. Please help me.

-- Nervous Overachiever

Dear Nervous: Your boyfriend is making you question whether you deserve to get grades and internships you work hard for. Additionally, he is punishing you through anger and withholding affection, and blaming you for his unhappiness and shortcomings.

These are signs and symptoms of an abusive relationship.

You deserve to feel good about your accomplishments and to be treated well, not live in fear that outperforming your boyfriend on your exams will enrage him. Good partners support one another, through good times and bad. While it sounds like you are supporting him when things get rough, he uses your accomplishments to try to diminish you.

You need to take time away from him. See what it's like to be liberated and to enjoy your own success. Your college has a counseling office -- you should visit and talk this through with a campus counselor.

Dear Amy: You advised that family members who receive loans from parents should have the outstanding amount deducted from their eventual inheritance.

After our parents died, my brother surprised me by giving me a check for my share of a loan he was repaying our parents. Since they were now deceased, he could have conveniently forgotten the debt, but he chose not to. Some people do the honorable thing.

-- Excelsior!

Dear Excelsior!: Indeed.


(You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: Readers may send postal mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. You can also follow her on Twitter @askingamy or "like" her on Facebook.)




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