Life Advice



Neighbors need curtains, or others might go blind

By Amy Dickinson, Tribune Content Agency on

Your neighbors might enjoy this sort of display. You could write them a note, saying, "We respectfully request that you either get window coverings, or take your nudity into a more private part of your home. We -- and our guests -- have the right to look out our own windows without having to view your sexual activity, which, unfortunately, we cannot unsee."

Understand that, depending on local statutes and their own willingness to cooperate, you may have no recourse other than to block the view with your own window covering.

Dear Amy: Our son is engaged to a lovely girl. They will be married at the end of the year. We have known her for over a decade. She is our daughter's best friend, and has been dating our son for nearly five years.

We love her and think she will be a wonderful wife. We already consider her family.

My problem is that whenever she writes us a card, she signs it "Best" or "Sincerely."

To be honest, I am a little hurt that she doesn't feel close enough to us to sign "Love," which I always do with close friends and family.


The last card she gave us, she signed "Best" from her and my son.

Is there any tactful way of letting her know we would like to be more than business associates?

-- Future MIL

Dear MIL: Let's head right to the headline: Your future daughter-in-law sends you cards! This alone would send many in-laws into paroxysms of joy.


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