Health Advice



Taking a bite out of your dengue fever risk

So far in 2024, countries in North, South and Central America and the Caribbean have reported almost 10 million cases of dengue fever. Puerto Rico even declared a public health emergency because 1,498 cases were diagnosed there in the first half of this year.

Only about a quarter of folks who are infected have symptoms such as nausea, rash, ...Read more

Nutrition news about healthy aging

If you're around 40, do you know that by the time you and nine of your friends hit age 70, chances are only one of you will be disease-free and have good physical, mental and cognitive health? Yikes!

Well, you all have a chance to change that, according to researchers at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. They looked at 30 years of ...Read more

Are you at risk of getting sick from flying this summer?

This summer, around 271 million folks will fly on U.S. airlines. That's a lot of opportunity to contract a summer cold -- or a case of COVID-19. Fortunately, planes use highly effective HEPA filter systems that pump cleaned air throughout the cabin rapidly -- the air can be completely changed every three minutes. And in many planes, about 40% of...Read more

Countering constipation

If you struggle to "go" even three times a week, you're a member of a constipation club that has more than 4 million members in the U.S. The causes are many, from chronic stress and an unhappy gut biome to lack of physical activity, and taking medications for blood pressure and depression and NSAIDs like ibuprofen.

Whatever the cause, it's ...Read more

The sleep sweet spot -- do you hit it?

Remember Goldilocks? When she wandered into the Three Bears' house, she sampled their morning porridge and declared: "This porridge is too salty!" "This porridge is too sweet!" And "This porridge is just right."

Well, you've got the same kind of choices when it comes to getting your sleep just right. Research published in the Journal of the ...Read more

What sleep type are you?

Sleep is a restful escape from the tensions of the day ... well, that's a myth for many people who struggle with sleep. A Gallup poll found that a third of you rate your nightly snooze as fair or poor.

Now, new research has identified common sleep patterns and tracked how people shift from one to another, depending on what acute or chronic ...Read more

Protect yourself from exercise-related injuries

You've devoted a lot of time and mental energy to getting yourself into a workout routine that provides you with 150 to 300 minutes of aerobic and strength-training exercise every week. And then in a flash, "Ow!" You're benched because of a strain, sprain, tear, fall, or (please, no!) a break.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says...Read more

Fish tales -- and tails

What do whole anchovies, sardines, smelt and herring offer you that you can't get from a filet of sole? Bones, head, organs and other inside treasures that contain micronutrients like zinc, selenium, and magnesium and a good dose of calcium, and vitamins B12, D and niacin. Sardines, for example, also deliver almost 25 grams of protein in every 3...Read more

Don't just sit there -- drink coffee!

Between work, commuting, running errands (the car is running, not you) and watching screens, a quarter of Americans are sitting down eight or more hours a day, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. The good news is that recent research shows "activity snacks" of moderate to high-intensity motion for one to five ...Read more

Become a non-meat protein pro

Feel like you get contradictory advice on protein? On one hand, "they" say "Eat more protein as you age to protect your muscle mass." Some evidence shows an older 185-pound adult needs 84 to 101 grams or more of protein a day! And you're told that at any age to make sure you get enough to build and repair muscle and bones and produce the ...Read more

Tattoo risks

Tattoos are no longer an act of outrageous rebellion. Fully 32% of U.S. adults have one, and that number rises to 40% of folks 18-34 years old. But it turns out all that ink is lighting up more than folks' appearance.

It can trigger an increased risk of heart failure, as well as allergic dermatitis, according to a study in the Journal of the ...Read more

Protecting yourself from wildfire pollution's health risks

Last year's wildfire season was truly wild -- there were more than 6,500 fires in Canada from May to October. Air quality in Alberta, Canada, was nine times worse than usual, and it had far-reaching effects on air quality in the lower 48 states and parts of Alaska. The more than 7,000 wildfires in California just added to the dangerous air ...Read more

Taking a bite out of poor nutrition

Don't you hate it when good news is also bad news? Take the latest findings about Americans' nutritional quality. Analysis of info on over 51,000 adults shows that since 2000, the number of folks who have a very lousy diet has decreased from 49% to around 38% of the population. But almost four of every 10 folks still have poor nutrition -- and ...Read more

Straining to understand new flu strain?

"No strain, no gain" may be the mantra of fitness buffs (better than "no pain, no gain"), but when it comes to understanding what happens to the flu virus year to year -- there's a lot of strain to gain solid data, even for researchers. Relax. We (and the flu vaccine) have got you covered!

Fact 1: There are new mutant strains of the H1N1 flu ...Read more

Longing for a definition of long COVID-19? We may have one now

Despite the dramatic reduction in the number of COVID-19 cases, the number of folks in the U.S. contending with long COVID-19 remains steady, at around 17 million people in March 2024. And overall, it affects about 30% of folks who contract COVID-19, whether it's mild or severe.

According to the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and ...Read more



Joey Weatherford Mallard Fillmore Mike Luckovich John Darkow Jimmy Margulies Gary Varvel