Health Advice



Muscular Mitochondria

Scott LaFee on

1. Plague

2. Hookworm

3. Rabies

4. Toxoplasmosis

5. Cat-scratch disease

6. Tapeworm

7. Ringworm

8. Salmonella

9. Psittacosis

10. Lyme disease

11. Rocky Mountain spotted fever


12. Campylobacter

13. Giardia

14. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

Note: The total number of (zoonotic) diseases that can spread between animals and people is surprisingly large, from Aeromonas infections to Tularemia. Check out the CDC's website for a more comprehensive listing.

Curtain Calls

Sir Arthur Aston was a Royalist general during the English Civil War (1642-1651). Shortly after becoming governor of Oxford in 1644, Aston was thrown from his horse and broke his leg. He developed gangrene and required amputation. The procedure was a success, and Aston was given a wooden prosthesis.

After the execution of King Charles I in 1649, Aston commanded a 3,000-man army facing off against Oliver Cromwell's forces. Aston's army was roundly defeated, and Aston was beaten to death with his own wooden leg.


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