Health Advice



Environmental Nutrition: The psychology of food choices

Densie Webb, Environmental Nutrition on

Published in Health & Fitness

Personality is related to food choices, according to some research. A study done in 2015 found that personalities that are more open to new experiences were more likely to choose more fruits and vegetables. More conscientious personalities consumed more fruits, less meat, and fewer sweet and savory foods. Derocha says she has been counseling people for more than 20 years and has observed that the personality of someone who is very focused and driven to make dietary changes, makes very different food choices compared to someone who is not able to commit to making healthy lifestyle changes.

Mood clearly affects food choices. Aside from weather affecting your mood, when you’re unhappy or under stress, research shows you’re more likely to choose sweet, fatty foods that are low in protein.

Food packaging can either draw you in or make you turn away. Product packaging is designed specifically to catch your eye and make it more likely for you to toss it into your cart. Label promises of “low-fat” or “sugar-free” can be an invitation to not only buy, but to indulge. Interestingly, research found that the word “healthy” on a label seems to turn people away.

A more subtle message, like a heart-healthy symbol, has the opposite effect.

The company you keep can have a powerful effect on the foods you choose, whether it’s from the supermarket shelf, the menu at a restaurant, or the menu board at a fast-food drive-thru. You can’t, of course, stop keeping company with your immediate family, but being out with friends or co-workers can affect your choices.


Psychological drivers of any behavior are complicated, but never more than with food choices. Derocha summed it up best, “The short answer to all of these factors that affect food choices is, ‘it depends.’”

(Reprinted with permission from Environmental Nutrition, a monthly publication of Belvoir Media Group, LLC. 800-829-5384.

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