


What To Call The Illegal Marijuana Market

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Since the beginning of legalization, there are has been a discussion about how to frame the illegal marijuana market. The phrase black market took off during the Great Depression where products were hard to come by and an illegal market trading outside the system took off.  It grew during WWII during rationing so those with extra cash could ...Read more

Pakistan Makes Positive Move On Cannabis

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In a surprising move, Pakistan has decided to allow marijuana – and they hope it will help their national revenue. In a surprise, Pakistan is opening the door for legal cannabis. The Islamic country is 96% Muslim, with a belief from most scholars cannabis is similar to intoxicants/alcoholic drink and therefore deemed forbidden. The country�...Read more

Could You Help Your Lips With CBD Balm

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Spring has arrived and so has the sunny.  While most want to soak in the rays – your lips might need a bit of help. The summer sun brings out the kid in us, water activities, sun bathing, sports, or just long walks….but our lips might not be so excited. Lips are vulnerable to EV rays and often get forgotten. The skin on the lips can’t ...Read more

Key Things To Know About Hemp And Marijuana Drinks

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They are becoming a thing in ALL states…what you should know about hemp and marijuana drinks

Hemp and marijuana beverages represent about $4 billion in sales and are only going to get bigger.  Tasty, intoxicating, and available in most states, here are some key things to know about hemp and marijuana drinks. You might enjoy either or both,...Read more

Senate Leadership Pushes End of Federal Prohibition Of Cannabis

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Taking a cue from the public, Senate leadership is putting forward a bill to end the federal prohibition of cannabis.

In a big week for the marijuana industry and a surprise to most of the industry, Senators Schumer (D-NY), (Murray D-WA), Wyden (D-OR), Cory Booker (D-NJ) and 14 others have deduced to follow the public and make a change.  As ...Read more

Off To The Horse Races With Cannabis

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The Kentucky Derby is the pinnacle of horse racing – but will marijuana make an appearance?

House racing is highly popular sports with over 45,000 races run in the US and Canada last year.  The Kentucky Derby is the pinnacle of horse racing in North America, but most major metro hubs have some type of opportunity. Globally it is a $400 ...Read more

The Best Tips To Up Your Intimacy Game While High

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It has been an aphrodisiac since ancient times – now here are tips to making modern love

The Karma Sutra is the original how-to on how enjoy your sex life.  Written in the 3rd century, it has been a North Star and guide to intimacy for ages. The Indian book has been a best seller and the suggestions have been incorporated in a variety of ...Read more

What Can Consumers Expect From Marijuana Rescheduling

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Most of the industry has been thrilled with the progress of rescheduling.  But for the 40+ million who consume – what does it mean in real world terms? The federal government took a big step toward rescheduling marijuana from a Schedule 1, which is a dangerous drug with zero medical benefits, to to Schedule III such as ketamine, Tylenol ...Read more

The Gilded Age Heiress Who Helped The Marijuana Movement

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Shows like Downtown Abbey, Palm Royale, and more have showed the  big, big rich lives – and a few even touched the marijuana counterculture movement.It seems we can’t get enough about the lives of the very rich. Shows including Downtown Abbey, Succession, the Gilded Age, and Palm Royale are all over and people are loving it. Ryan Murphy ...Read more

The Gilded Age Heiress Who Helped The Marijuana Movement

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Shows like Downtown Abbey, Palm Royale, and more have showed the  big, big rich lives – and a few even touched the marijuana counterculture movement.It seems we can’t get enough about the lives of the very rich. Shows including Downtown Abbey, Succession, the Gilded Age, and Palm Royale are all over and people are loving it. Ryan Murphy ...Read more

The Economic Impact of Cannabis

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The Economic Impact of Cannabis: A Growth Engine for Local EconomiesThe rapid expansion of the cannabis industry is reshaping local economies, injecting over $100 billion into the US economy in 2023, with a projected 12.5% growth in 2024. This significant impact is supported by companies like Seed Connect, a US-based cannabis seed bank. Beyond ...Read more

Which Is Better Hemp Or Cannabis CBD

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CBD can be a natural way to treat a variety of issues and help your wellbeing – but did you realize there is a choice? It is a vast global market worth almost $8 billion dollars with millions using it, but which is better hemp or cannabis CBD. It is most commonly used to treat chronic pain, anxiety, inflammation, and insomnia. Outside of ...Read more


Health / Cannabis Daily /

In a historic move the Drug Enforcement Agency announced it plans to reschedule cannabis.  Monumental shift in the marijuana industry. After three years of waiting for President Biden to fulfill his promise of doing something about legal cannabis, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced its plan to reschedule cannabis. This follows the ...Read more

Is Marijuana At Passover Kosher

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It is an important holiday with clear guidelines on celebrating – so is marijuana allowed. It is one of the most important and celebrated holidays in the Jewish faith. The 7 day observation is filled with food, gatherings and traditions. Passover, or Pesach in Hebrew, commemorates the slavery of the Israelites in Egypt and their ultimate ...Read more

Will Marijuana Help You Look Good In a Swimsuit

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Spring is here and summer is around the corner – which means swimsuits are coming out. Can weed help how you look?

Summer is around the corner and already people in swimsuits are populating Insta, TicTok and more. Time to shake off the pale skin and start working on a tan while working to get rid of the holiday pounds. Winter helps you gain...Read more

Bell’s Palsy And Marijuana

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It can be frightening when suddenly your face becomes paralyzed.   You freak out – but can medical marijuana help? It is has been in the news and can be frightening, especially since it hits about 1 in 70 people. From a cure point of view, what is even more scary is the cause of it is unknown. It is thought to be due to swelling (...Read more

Will Rescheduling Come In Time To Help The Marijuana Industry

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The Biden keeps sort of promising/pushing rescheduling – will be in time to help the industry this year?  The public has turned a corner about marijuana use. Except for a few older members in Congress (Mitch McConnell being one), the majority of the US and Canadians believe cannabis should be legal. The American Medical Association, founded ...Read more

Which Cities Consume The Most Marijuana

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It’s popular – but where is it the most and least consumed – here are the cities and how they rank with marijuana Recreational weed is in legal in 24 states, DC and some territories. Over 50% of their country has access to gummies, vapes and special chocolates without breaking the law. Thirty-eight states have medical marijuana, which the...Read more

All The Ways To Consume Cannabis

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Unlike alcohol – cannabis can be consumed in a ton of different ways – here is a quick overview Marijuana has become mainstream and popular with over 85% of population believing it should be legal in some form. One of the things as weed “comes out the closet” is a the entry of a bunch of new users and former “closet smokers”. These ...Read more

Can CBD Help With An Overactive Bladder

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Having to “go” frequently is an issue which causes multiple problems….can CBD help?

From watching a movie, going to live sports or performances to car trip, the frequent need to go can disrupt day to day life in big and little ways. Over 33 million Canadians and Americans live with overactive bladder disease (OAB).  While not as life-...Read more