


Black to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

Capablanca reached this position against Van den Bosch at Budapest in 1929. He played one move, and White resigned! What move was that?

This is a quite remarkable position. The perfect zugzwang! Capa would win by one move after this sequence: 1...Qe1! 2.g3 Qe7+ 3.Ka5 Qa3#; 2.Ka3 Qa1+ 3.Qa2 Qxa2+ 4.Kxa2 h4 5.Kb2 g5 6.fxg5 fxg5 7.Kc2 g4 8.fxg4 fxg4 9.Kd2 h3 10.gxh3 gxh3 11.Ke2 h2 12.Kf2 h1=Q BTW, if 2. Qa2 Qe7+ 3.Ka5 Qa7+ 4.Kb4 Qxa2 wins. That first queen move was the only winning move.


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