


Odd Two, Out Too on

Published in Brain Teasers

In this teaser, you have to find the odd ones out in the groups of words. BUT WAIT! There's a catch. Each group of words has TWO words which do not belong. Can you find them both?


Lily - Jane - Tulip - Rose

Jane does not belong as it's the only one which is not a flower

Tulip also does not belong because it's the only one which is not a girl's name

You're on you own for the rest!

1. Dodge - Ford - Lincoln - Hoover

2. King - Earl - Knight - Bishop

3. Yellow - Green - Dead - Black


1. Hoover does not belong as it's the only one which is not a Car Manufacturer, Dodge does not belong as it's the only one which is not the last name of a President of USA

2. Bishop does not belong as it's the only one which is not a class of nobility, Earl does not belong as it's the only one which is not a Chess piece

3. Dead does not belong as it's the only one which is not a color, Green does not belong as it's the only one which is not the name of a sea.


Today's brain teaser courtesy of




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