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As thunderstorms, high winds are forecast in Texas, here are some safety reminders

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A severe thunderstorm warning was issued by the National Weather Service on Friday at for several northern Texas counties, including wind gusts of up to 60 mph and half-dollar-sized hail.

According to the NWS, "For your protection get inside a sturdy structure and stay away from windows."

Actions to take when lightning threat is imminent

Around 25 million lightning strikes occur in the United States every year, with most taking place during the summer months. The NWS reports that these strikes result in about 20 fatalities annually. The probability of lightning strikes rises as a thunderstorm approaches and peaks when the storm is directly above. As the storm moves away, this likelihood decreases.

Here are recommendations for maintaining safety during a thunderstorm:

• To lower the risk of lightning strikes, when going outdoors, develop a plan to reach a safer spot.


• If the sky grows ominous and you hear thunder, seek out a safe place to take shelter.

• Once inside, avoid contact with corded phones, electrical equipment, plumbing, and windows and doors.

• Wait 30 minutes after the last lightning or thunder before going back outside.

If finding indoor shelter is not an option:


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