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Thoughtful dog owner builds pup a special room


Published in Cats & Dogs News

(UPI) A caring dog owner built his beloved pet his own special room underneath the stairwell in his new home.

Twitter user Al‏ on Friday shared photos of the tiny dog-sized room beneath the stairs, complete with a bed and miniature photo frames along the walls.

"My brother built his dog a separate room in his house!" he wrote.

The thoughtful owner David Maceo, told the Dodo, he decided to give his dog "Hennessy" his own room after he and his wife bought their first home together.

Hennessy and the couple had previously shared a single bedroom in his mother's house, and Maceo felt he owed the dog the extra space to call his own.

"I felt kind of bad that we didn't have a lot of space," he said. So when we moved I decided to give Hennessy his own room.


Maceo began the project by sticking a camera into the bottom of the staircase to see if there was enough space for Hennessy, he then cut a small hole in the wall and "went on from there."

He spent the next few weeks constructing the special space for his pampered pet, painting the walls and floors to match the rest of the house and hanging up some family photos.

"There are pictures of him and his brother; he passed a year ago," Maceo said. On the other side, there's a picture of him and a picture of me and my wife. There's another picture of my father and mother.

Maceo worried Hennessy might not enjoy his new abode, but after being lured in with a treat it appeared to be love at first sight.

"He loves it," Maceo said. He feels protected under the stairs. He finds it very comforting. It's the perfect place for him.

Copyright 2017 by United Press International


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