


Are antidepressants the only answer?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: I was born during the Great Depression but that doesn’t compare to what we are experiencing with the war with the “invisible enemy” (COVID-19). So many have turned to antidepressants. Is that the only answer? – A.D.

A: The world’s experiencing a new normal in the 21st century – vastly different from the security America enjoyed in the 20th century. People – even children – worked hard all day and slept well at night.

Today widespread anxiety and depression weigh people’s hearts down as fears rise in the face of many troubles. While battles rage worldwide and storms gather in the human spirit, depression steals rest from our souls. “Depression” can describe the hard economic state of affairs that sweep our world, but depression also attacks the human state of mind.

All of these are storm clouds hovering over a lost and dying world. Their thunderbolts grip hearts with indescribable fear. Our society is caught up in a powerful windstorm that has already caused massive destruction.


Wars can come in many forms and the Bible predicts that as the end of time draws near there will be an onslaught of wars and rumors of wars, causing people to wonder if there’s really something to the ancient prophecies spoken by God’s prophets, and confirmed by Jesus Christ (Matthew 24).

The CDC once reported that antidepressants were the most prescribed drugs in the United States. One physician stated, “It’s hard to believe that [so many] people are depressed, or that antidepressants are the answer.” Drugs for depression aren’t the answer. There is only one answer to the travail of this present age, and it’s found in the ageless pages of the Bible. Those who have made peace with God understand the promise: “Let not your heart be troubled… neither let it be afraid” (John 14:1, 27).


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)





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