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Cinnamon Pear Infused Water

Zola on

When I was 34 years old (25 years ago), I had a very bad day that lead to more than four bad months.

I’m going to tell you a shortened version of the story. I could tell you the long story because even 25 years later I remember it like it was yesterday, but I want to get to some new information I want to share as soon as possible.

This story is my nightmare.

I was driving to work one morning. As I drove the car into the parking lot, the cars started to spin. I slammed on the brakes because I was not sure if my car was moving or not. The parked cars all appeared to be moving. Really scary.

I managed to get out of the car and had my husband park it. With his help, I got to the office, called my doc and my husband took me in. Some of the dizziness and spinning temporarily subsided but it was not long before it was back.

The neurologist did some tests. Just early stuff. He gave me a drug that he hoped would allow me to stand upright without tossing my cookies. It worked.

I had to make sure I took it exactly on time, though. If I let it wear off; even for an hour, the dizziness was back and my equilibrium was gone. I could not stand. My head would spin wildly even if I was laying on my bed. Debilitating, for sure. Hard to run a company that way, too.

Then the tests ensued...

Read the full column at

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Cinnamon Pear Infused Water


This is a ZReboot recipe.

When you are dieting with Plan Z, one of the things we recommend is that you increase your water consumption. People on Plan Z who drink 100 to 125 ounces of water per day lose 30 percent more than those who drink less than 70 ounces. Studies show that when your body unlocks the stingy fat, that it needs a ready vehicle to flush it out of your system. That’s where the water comes in. But for many, water is boring so we give them lots of ways to jazz it up. I discovered cinnamon water in Costa Rica. I came back to my room after dinner one night and there was a pitcher of water by my bedside. But instead of it being flavored with the usual lemon slices, it was flavored with cinnamon.

Cinnamon water has a flavor reminiscent of snicker-doodle or oatmeal cinnamon cookies. Try adding pear slices – it makes a wonderful summer treat.


A cinnamon stick
A pear, freshly sliced


Cut about a one-inch long piece of cinnamon stick. Then cut that piece again the long way.

Put the cinnamon pieces and pear into a pitcher and pour up to 30 ounces of water over. As the cinnamon steeps it will pick up the flavor of the cinnamon and give you cinnamon water. Beats iced tea for me! When you finish the 30 ounces, just pour more ice and water over and the process will begin again.

You can even take the cinnamon out and let it dry for reuse.





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