

Home & Leisure

Sloppy Joes

Zola on

Gobble Gobble

The avian flu outbreak across the country has already taken a toll. The price of eggs has jumped a minimum of 13 percent but in some places has risen as much as 50 percent. That’s a lot of yuk to the yoke of your budget.

The price of eggs on the wholesale level has risen, too. That affects other things you buy in the grocery story like mayonnaise or even the price of a cake mix. Anything that has eggs in it.

But it’s not likely to end there. Some expert prognosticators are looking ahead to Thanksgiving.

The early data says we will have enough turkeys. That’s step one. The next issue is what will that turkey cost? Some say that as long as gas prices and other production factors stay low, the price of a turkey won’t rise much as the holiday approaches.

Others are not so positive. Some are recommending you buy your frozen turkey now and make room for it in your freezer. Those same people are saying that the retailers are likely to take advantage of the situation and cause a media frenzy which always drives prices up – to the retailer’s advantage.

I’m not a big fan of buying a frozen turkey. I prefer a fresh one, but this whole issue got me to thinking.

I know turkey is a staple at most Thanksgiving feasts, but if we were forced to think outside the turkey barn, what might we come up with...

Read the full column at

Sloppy Joes

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This is a ZReduction recipe.

Servings: Serves 4


1 lb ground sirloin
1-1/4 c chopped onions
1-1/4 chopped celery
1/3 c water
1 t paprika
1 t dry mustard
1 t chili powder
1/2 c tomato sauce (no sugar)
3-4 T tomato paste (no sugar)
1/3 c water (yes, a 2nd time)
3 T vinegar (I used white)
2 packets Truvia
Salt to taste


In non-stick skillet, add one-third cup water and steam the onions and celery until tender (or consistency you prefer). Move veggies to bowl. Add ground sirloin to skillet and brown, breaking down into smaller chunks.

Return veggies to skillet, add spices. Then add tomato products, water, vinegar, Truvia and salt. Stir to blend and simmer approx. five minutes. If too thick you can add more water.

To serve, use Romaine lettuce leaves as your ‘bread’ to hold the sloppy Joe’s. I also have Melba toast with this meal and put several spoonfuls on them for the crunch. This recipe would be your protein and veggies. Fruit completes this meal. It also travels well.

Serving Suggestions:

I like to use the larger lettuce leaves and just put a spoonful on the leaf and then add another spoonful after I’m done eating the first bite. Haven’t tried the smaller leaves but would guess that would work as well and probably look a little neater if you are eating with others. Although how neat are sloppy joes?





Dustin Pedro X. Molina Bob Gorrell Dana Summers Brilliant Mind of Edison Lee Arctic Circle