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Butternut Squash Mash

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We hope you enjoy today's previously published Zola classic...

A lot of people call me a clean freak. My house is pretty spotless most of the time. I have three cats, but I don’t have any small, human children, so frankly, this is not that hard to do.

Sometimes I can be a little extreme.

This is something I do that drives my husband a bit batty:

My husband is an early bird. Every morning, he gets up around 5:30 a.m. and reads the morning newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee. I, on the other hand, get up around 7:30 a.m., jump in the shower and get ready for work. On my way out, I’ll grab his abandoned newspaper which is usually lying on the kitchen counter and toss it in the trash. I usually find his empty coffee mug near the paper too. And maybe even his empty French press full of cold coffee grounds that held his coffee that morning. I habitually pick it up. All of it –- whatever is lying around. I place the press pot in the sink for him to wash (I hate cleaning that thing). I put the coffee cup in the dishwasher and I throw the newspaper in the compactor to be recycled. I figure he’s read it. He had hours to do it. The problem is, sometimes he comes looking for a newspaper section which he wants to reference and he’s surprised that the paper has already hit the trash!

I’m fast. What can I say?


That’s not to say my husband is a slob –- far from it. That man can clean a floor like nobody’s business. He helps a lot with the housework. I rarely empty a dishwasher. He’s fabulous. But when it comes to kitchen cleanliness, I’ve got him beat.

There are few other things I do that revolve around my cooking and my kitchen that I thought I’d pass along:

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Butternut Squash Mash


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