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Lemon Pepper Cream Gravy

Zola on

We’d have a platter of fruit and maybe a simple salad. If we were pressed for time we’d have canned pear halves and peach halves. As kids we’d campaign for some maraschino cherries. Now I know I can get fruit packed in water, or wash off all the sugar syrup. Fresh fruit salad would be best but in a pinch, this works. I also have taken up the idea of putting frozen, fresh berries in a bowl and just letting them sit in the bowl on the counter for a few hours ahead. When you serve them they are close to granita or sorbet. Slightly frozen, but not quite. Have a cute little bowl to serve them in and they make a pre-dessert treat.

Speaking of dessert, for a super simple Thanksgiving, this is where you hit the bakery and pick up a pie or you can have a relative bring dessert.

A pumpkin pie cut into wedges that are much narrower than what we are used to is best; and then top with Truwhip. Truwhip is like Cool Whip but more natural. You can order it on line and just keep it in the freezer til the day before and then let it thaw in the fridge.

Oh, yeah. I forgot gravy. (Well actually, I didn’t!) I am giving you my lemon pepper cream gravy recipe today. If you don’t like lemon, just leave that out. You can just put in a little extra water instead. Remember whatever rub you put on your turkey will now be in the juices of the turkey so that will be a flavoring for your gravy too.

Enjoy a stress-less Thanksgiving. Eat the healthy stuff and enjoy!

Lemon Pepper Cream Gravy

Serving Size: This will make approximately 1 cup of gravy.


1 cup of chicken/turkey drippings. This is the juice left in the bottom of the pan after roasting the chicken/turkey.
½ cup of cream
juice of one lemon (or to taste)
grated sea salt and pepper to taste



In a sauté pan turn the chicken/turkey juices in the bottom of the roasting pan up to high to get them to begin to boil. Turn down to medium-high or to a point where the juices continue to bubble but do not boil over.

Add the cream and lemon juice. Stir to incorporate. Continue to stir and keep the gravy bubbling. The boiling will cause the cream to thicken the gravy. Season with salt and pepper. When the gravy gets to a consistency you like turn it off and serve.


I use this gravy style with all kinds of meats. Pork, beef, chicken, turkey etc. Anything that leaves juices in the bottom of the roasting pan is a candidate. The rule of thumb is two to one. Twice as much juice to the amount of cream. So when I take out a pork roast I might only have a quarter cup of juice in the pan. So I add a few tablespoons of cream and make a bit of gravy. Get the idea?

If there is too much juice then just pour some out before adding the cream. When in doubt, measure the juice before you decide how much cream to add.

You do not need to add any citrus. For most meats I do not. The lemon pepper cream tastes particularly delightful with chicken or turkey. It makes it very special.





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