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Raspberry “Ice Cream”

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Raspberry “Ice Cream”

Wanna feed your kids a healthy treat this summer? Gather them and their friends around the kitchen and whip up a quick, frozen treat. You’ll love the simplicity of this treat and they’ll love the novelty. This is the kind of treat my mother would let me make myself as a child. Once you teach them how, I bet they’ll be able to do it too.

Four servings

1 – 2 cups of frozen raspberries
2 – 3 Tbl of heavy cream
½ tsp of Truvia
A teeny drizzle of organic vanilla


In a small container, put in your cream, Truvia and vanilla. Stir and let the flavors meld for a few minutes (Secret Told: I do this when I am starting dish clean up and it’s ready when I am finished filling the dishwasher)

Put your raspberries in a small bowl while frozen. Immediately drizzle on half of the cream mixture per bowl. Stir into the berries and eat slowly so you savor it. The cream mixture freezes and coats the berries. As you stir the berries they will also begin to melt so they won’t be so hard as you eat them. Truth be told though… you could eat this with no teeth! The berries are cold but easy to eat and taste so creamy and fresh.


Close your eyes and you just might think you are eating a rich, raspberry-filled ice cream. HUGE YUM!

Note: I put the portion at one to two cups because I find I am fully satisfied with just a fourth of a cup of raspberries and my cream on top. This gives me a creamier texture.

Second Note: I also tried this with frozen strawberry bits. They worked well but not quite as well as raspberries. I love cantaloupe and ice cream. I bet if you freeze diced cantaloupe this will be amazing. I have even done this with the frozen mixed berries. Also yummy.

The mint was just for a pretty picture.





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