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Italian Crock Pot Stew

Zola on

Slow Cooker Snow Storms

For many of you, in so many parts of the country, another 15 minutes to an hour and half or more has been added to your commute.  It has nothing to do with road construction. It has everything to do with ice and snow.

You have to dig your way out before you can get in your car.

You have to shovel the walk to keep the kiddies safe on the way to school and avoid a City fine for not clearing a path.

You have to salt the blazes out of your driveway because the ice has built up so bad you could skate on it.

In my case, (in the big city of Chicago), the snow plows don’t go through the alleys. All of our garages (for those of us lucky enough to have a garage) line up along the alleys.  We’ve had more snow this year than we had in the last three years combined. And it’s only early February.  We don’t have much more space to pile snow.  It’s really tough to get out of our garage at this point and they’ve been predicting snow about every 3 days lately.  We got 5 more inches today!


I love snow.  Don’t get me wrong. That’s why I live here.  I don’t, however, love the logistics required at the moment.

And here’s the kicker: if you don’t get it shoved in the morning, it’s waiting for you when you get home.

I can’t shovel for you, but I can make the job of getting dinner ready FASTER and TASTY.  Let’s pull out the slow cooker.

The slow cooker is a mainstay for many and I know many a harried parent who throws things in the crock pot and rushes off to work.  I knew one guy who used to just toss in six chicken breasts with some broth and head off to work.  He came home to six cooked chicken breasts. He’d cut up one breast each evening and put it on top of a salad and that was his dinner.


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