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More Ways to Drink More Water

Zola on

As people start the Plan Z Diet, most learn they should be drinking more water, but getting the water down isn’t always that easy until you get used to it.

The newest studies show that in order to stay properly hydrated you should be drinking half your weight in water (in ounces) each day. So the easy math is if you’re 200 pounds you should be drinking 100 ounces of water per day. That doesn’t mean guzzle 100 ounces in one giant gulp. That can be dangerous to your system. What it does mean is sip water throughout your day, and drink a concentrated glass here and there.

How do I do it? Here are a few ideas you might incorporate:

1. First thing in the morning I run the sink until the water is ice cold. (I like my water very cold). I brush my teeth while the water is running and then rather than just rinse after brushing, I rinse and then drink a whole glass of water. A good eight ounces.

2. When I get to work I fill a 32-ounce pitcher with ice water. I sip it throughout the morning. I tell myself I am not allowed to go to lunch until that pitcher is empty. I do the same thing after lunch and don’t go home until my second pitcher is empty. So if you’re tallying it up, by 5 p.m. I have had a minimum of 72 ounces of water. That’s my minimum. I might have filled the pitcher one more time before 5 p.m.

3. When I am out and about, I carry a bottle of water. I buy the 16-ounce bottles with the nipple on them. I find I drink more water when I squeeze the nipple bottle rather than water from a capped bottle. The nipple bottles are a bit more expensive, but I do fill them more than once before I pitch them. I hear it’s not a good idea to fill them too many times or you can get bacteria in the bottle but I might fill them three times before I toss the bottle. And of course, I recycle the bottles.

4. I don’t count coffee in my water total. Caffeine is a dehydrater so if I drink coffee I don’t count it as part of my water consumption.

5. I have a glass of water in my kitchen at all times and sip while I cook. That keeps me from wanting to nibble.

6. I try to have 100 ounces of water in me by 8 p.m. That way I won’t wake up at night as often. I will admit that for about a week or two you might be getting up more at night but I assure you that your body gets used to the increase in water, and likes it.

7. We did a study with Plan Z and found that those who drank between 100 and 125 ounces of water per day actually lost 30 percent more weight. That’s incentive right there.

8. When I am not trying to reduce my weight and allow myself to order a cocktail at a bar, I always ask for what, in bartender language, is a “water back”. That means give me a glass of ice water next to my cocktail. I try to make sure I drink that glass of water before I order another drink of any other kind.


9. I now personally prefer plain water over sparkling water and I don’t drink soda. But if I’m in the mood for a commercially produced, flavored water, I will drink LaCroix sparkling water. They have a ton of really fun flavors. Or I get flavored stevia drops and make flavored sparkling water. The vanilla drops make a perfect crème soda. Very retro.

10 . If you don’t like your water plain like I do, add items. Cucumber slices floating in your water is yummy and different. Add lemon or lime to your water. The acidity added to water is good for your digestion. Sounds counter-intuitive but it’s true. Or buy a water infuser and you can then add all kinds of things in the infuser compartment. Think strawberries, blueberries or even orange slices.

Anyone out there have other ideas on how to drink more water? Feel free to chime in.

Orange – Vanilla Water

You can find recipes all over the internet for flavored waters. Some use fruits. Others even include herbs like mint and basil. Just use your creativity.

If you miss soda but know in your heart that it’s bad for you. Try a recipe like this one.

60 ounces of water
1 sliced orange (don’t even have to peel it)
½ tsp of organic vanilla extract

Pour the water into your pitcher. Add the sliced orange and the vanilla. Stir. Leave this in your refrigerator for at least an hour to infuse the flavors and then sip throughout the day.





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