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Cinnamon Tangerines

Zola Gorgon on

If there’s one thing that “60 Minutes” has, it is street cred.

I watched my first edition of “60 Minutes” at 11 years old in 1968. Before “60 Minutes” came on the air our family always gathered in front of the TV on Sunday evening to watch “College Bowl”. Anyone remember that one? “College Bowl” was hosted by Allen Ludden. Each week, two colleges would put teams of brainiacs together and they’d compete for who could correctly answer the most questions. A team member would buzz in if they thought they knew the answer. They had just a few seconds to confer with each other and then the team captain would shout out their answer. Our family loved it. At 8, 9 or 10 years old, if I knew an answer to even one of the questions, it definitely made my day. I got great inspiration for studying in school and trying to do my best from that show. I could see myself up there some day.

When “60 Minutes” moved over to Sunday nights, “60 Minutes” became our new go-to show. The whole family would gather in front of the TV and watch. Sometimes we’d be eating dinner but we were still allowed to watch “60 Minutes” while we ate. We learned a lot from that show too.

Alas “College Bowl” was eventually cancelled from the airwaves, but “60 Minutes” has continued, uninterrupted, on TV for 44 years. “60 Minutes” is credited with uncovering some of the biggest scandals. “60 Minutes” is credited with breaking some of the biggest stories. “60 Minutes” has captured bad guys on camera and held on like a pit bull until they screamed for mercy. If “60 Minutes” comes knocking at your door, unannounced, it’s probably not good news for you, but in the case I am going to reference today, having “60 Minutes” air a particular segment is like music to my ears. And if you haven’t seen it yet, I’m going to give you a link to what I feel is a subject that should be seen by every human aged 6 or higher. It’s a segment about the toxicity of sugar.

If you haven’t heard of Dr. Robert Lustig before today you will get to know him now. I have been a huge fan of Dr. Lustig for over two years now and his lecture Sugar: The Bitter Truth is a must view as part of the education offered through my diet, Plan Z by Zola. Dr. Lustig has been labeled an overly-energetic zealot by many. On the contrary, I don’t think his message can be screamed loudly enough. I am so happy to see that he has not given up his quest to get the warning out about sugar (in ALL forms), and it’s reassuring that with all the credibility that “60 Minutes” carries, that they now are listening and featured this segment involving Dr. Robert Lustig.

This “60 Minutes” segment touched just the tip of iceberg as it relates to sugar. Everyone will say they know the dangers of sugar. “Sugar will make you fat”, is all most folks will say they need to know. True enough, but in addition, the science is there now that clearly shows it is sugar that will cause heart disease. It’s sugar that will raise your bad cholesterol and it’s sugar that feeds cancer cells so they can grow and multiply and kill you.

This segment only tackles sugar in the most sugary forms. They left off the whole issue of carbohydrates as sugar, which I hope they address in an upcoming segment. But until then, there’s a lot to be learned from this segment. Please watch it in an effort to achieve good health.

P.S. And for extra credit, watch the added segments that they posted as part of “60 Minutes” Overtime. You’ll learn a lot. I promise.

Cinnamon Tangerines


Serves 4


4 tangerines
1/2 tsp or more of cinnamon
1 packet or more of Truvia


Peel the tangerines and separate the segments.

Toss with cinnamon and Truvia. Let stand in the refrigerator while you eat your meal. The flavors will meld while you eat. Then serve.

Leftovers can be stored in your refrigerator.





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