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The Kitchn: 3 cures for the common salad

By Faith Durand on

Salad Swag - Then choose your Swag and get busy!

When I'm ready for my salad I toss a handful of greens with a scoop of Salad Swag in a big bowl with a drizzle of dressing. Easy-peasy. You could leave all these fixings at work, if there is a shared refrigerator, or pack those three elements in your lunchbox.

Before we get down to business with my three favorite Salad Swags, a note on containers. I use these BPA-free EasyLunchboxes, because they have dividers to keep fruit separate from the dressing and other Swag. But if you're more comfortable not using plastic, you could package the Swag in jars or even just stack your entire salad in a big jar. I like to mix mine fresh, which is why I don't do that, but hey, whatever gets you eating a snazzy salad.

Salad Swag #1: The Frenchie Lentil

This is a riff off my favorite lentil salad with some more flair. Lentils add a lot of body to this spicy green salad; it'll keep you full all afternoon. A pear adds sweetness, and feta and hazelnuts really make this swanky.

The Swag


--French lentils, cooked

--Hazelnuts, roughly chopped

--Pear, chopped and submerged in water (drain before using)

--Crumbled feta cheese


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