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Ex-etiquette: Beware of badmouthing

Parents / Family Living /

Q. My son comes home from my co-parent’s home and tells me that they say bad things about me. My co-parent is aware of how damaging badmouthing can be, so I’m surprised by this. What’s good ex-etiquette?

A. Years ago, while standing in line at the supermarket, the woman behind me caught my eye. She had a little one in a car seat perched...Read more


Tired of water? Here are an NFL dietitian’s healthy alternatives

Parents / Mom's Advice /

“Drinking more water is the easiest way to improve your overall health,” according to Jordan Mazur, MS, RD, and a registered dietitian and director of nutrition for the San Francisco 49ers.

When he’s not fueling up NFL athletes, Mazur is authoring articles with nutritional guidelines to help everyday people perform at their best — so he...Read more


Want longer, healthier hair? These 3 foods might help

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Growing long, healthy hair can involve vitamins, supplements, hair oils, treatments and can extend to surgery. But if you don’t want to go under, there’s a chance certain foods can help.

“Certain nutrients are necessary for the regulation of the hair growth cycle and hair health in general,” said Health.

There are four phases of hair ...Read more

Kyrylo Vasilev/Dreamstime/TNS

Moms say they microdose magic mushrooms to be more ‘present’ parents

Parents / Mom's Advice /

A Missouri Senate committee recently approved Psilocybin (magic mushroom) therapy for veterans in a new bill. Limited use of the hallucinogenic drug may also soon be allowed in Utah. In Oregon, magic mushroom use is already legal. It’s a trend growing almost as quickly as the fungi itself.

Microdosing magic mushrooms is even a flourishing fad...Read more

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images North America/TNS

What is Cushing’s syndrome, the condition Amy Schumer suffers from?

Parents / Mom's Advice /

Online trolls decided to criticize stand-up comedian turned actor Amy Schumer recently for how she looked during an appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.”

Although Schumer said she “owes no explanation,” the “Life and Beth” star spoke with journalist Jessica Yellin for Substack’s News Not Noise column afterward. She ...Read more

Dining Out at the Critter Cafe

Parents / Georgia Garvey /

I have a critter problem.

The specific variety of critter that's troubling me? I don't know.

I know only its aftereffects, the holes bitten in our trash cans and the smallish, slightly oblong droppings the villain leaves behind.

It's tough to identify the culprit because our backyard is a veritable menagerie of suburban wildlife, playing ...Read more

Ernest Akayeu/Dreamstime/TNS

To make peace with becoming an empty-nester, I had to be at peace with myself

Parents / Parenting News /

This column is the latest in a series on parenting children in the final years of high school, "Emptying the Nest."


Over Presidents' Day weekend, my eldest daughter took her 17-year-old sister to tour a few colleges in Northern and Central California. A part of me desperately wanted to go with them — my youngest's first real college ...Read more

Family guide to new movie releases

Parents / Parenting News /


Rated PG for martial arts action/mild violence, scary images and some mild rude humor.

What it’s about: Dragon Warrior Po leaves the Valley of Peace and embarks on a journey to Juniper City in order to vanquish The Chameleon.

The kid attractor factor: It's animated and features a beloved character.

Good lessons/bad lessons:...Read more

Yuri Gripas/Abaca Press/TNS

Commentary: Olivia Rodrigo's concerts are not kid-friendly? Don't act surprised

Parents / Parenting News /

When Olivia Rodrigo sings, “seeing you tonight, it’s a bad idea, right?” she’s referring to an ex-boyfriend. But parents taking their 9-year-old to her concerts might want to ask themselves the same question.

For months, elementary school-aged children have been begging their moms and dads for a chance to see Rodrigo perform at her Guts...Read more

Vladimir Kokorin/Dreamstime/TNS

Ex-etiquette: Dad's role when ex-wife has surgery

Parents / Family Living /

Q: My children’s mother has to have surgery. I did not hear this from her, but from the children. Evidently, she has had serious back problems for a while, yet I had no idea. The kids tell me they will be staying with their grandmother for about a month while their mom is recuperating. We share equal custody. Shouldn’t I be asked to weigh ...Read more