Politics, Moderate



Rooting for Senator Fetterman

Tom Purcell on

He went on to win the general election over Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Despite being a progressive on a variety of issues — Fetterman supports marijuana legalization, releasing criminals with life sentences early and Medicare for all — in a blue-collar swing state, he won.

Despite his unusual look — his frumpy clothing, cranky disposition and the fact that he looks more like the Senate’s bouncer than one of its members — he won.

Despite suffering a stroke that caused him to struggle mightily during the only TV debate he would agree to — a debate very painful to watch — he won.

Like or dislike his positions, Fetterman comes across as an authentic, trustworthy fellow — a blue-collar Everyman we can identify with. Goodness knows, there is a hunger for more such people in politics.

Of course, probably the biggest reason he won was the sizable dislike many had for his Donald Trump-backed opponent, Dr. Oz, who came across as a wealthy carpetbagger who was trying to buy a Senate seat. Dr Oz underwhelmed Republicans.


In any event, my home state’s unique senator made it to Washington and is now facing some very difficult challenges.

Was his stroke worse than his team told us it was? Yes, it was.

Should he have stepped aside from the race and focused 100% on his recovery? Probably.

The New York Times reports that the stress of the campaign during his very sensitive recovery window may have caused “potentially permanent repercussions” to his health. I hope and pray that is not the case.


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