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Hey, ChatGPT, don’t quit your day aob

Tom Purcell on

It’s at once amazing and troublesome.

I speak of ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence application that was launched last November by OpenAI. In a matter of seconds, it can write apparently accurate articles or answer questions on a multitude of subjects.

When I asked ChatGPT what it is, it responded this way:

“I am designed to understand and generate human-like language based on the input I receive… My purpose is to assist and communicate with people in a variety of ways, from answering general knowledge questions to generating creative writing prompts.”

Creative writing prompts? I’m not so sure about that one.

Though it can write seemingly accurate and lucid articles in seconds — what a glorious time to be a lazy high school student — I don’t think it can ever understand the incredible complexity of human emotion, which is the heart of creativity.


I asked ChatGPT to write a funny article about itself. It came up with a 500-word column with a “funny” scenario in which it joined me for lunch at a diner.

However, when our pie arrived, ChatGPT realized it was unable to eat because it didn’t have a mouth, so it had me hold up the pie to its interface.

“Mmmm,” responded ChatGPT, “this is delicious. I can taste it through my algorithms.”

Don’t quit your day job, ChatGPT!


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Copyright 2023 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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