Politics, Moderate



Wishing you St. Patrick’s Day laughter

Tom Purcell on

When her husband died, she called the newspaper to place his obituary. The newsman said the cost was $1 a word.

“I only have $2,” she said. “Just print ‘Paddy died.’”

The newsman, feeling sorry for the woman, gave her three extra words at no charge.

“A kind man you are,” Mrs. Paddy said. “Print me husband’s obituary this way: “Paddy died. Boat for sale.’”

To address Social Security and Medicare shortfalls, President Biden simply wants to lift the ceiling on Social Security and Medicare taxes, which would amount to massive tax increases for higher-income earners, which will shift much-needed capital away from the markets and into government coffers.

Taxes are going to have to go up eventually to pay off our massive debts. Onerous taxation will turn otherwise good citizens into tax cheats, which reminds me of the time an IRS auditor called Father O’ Malley:


“Father, do you know a Mickey O’Brien?” asked the auditor.

“Aye,” said Father O’Malley. “He’s one of ‘me’ parishioners.”

“Did he donate $10,000 to your church?”

“He will,” said Father O’Malley.


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Copyright 2023 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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