Politics, Moderate



Striking up Some Ratings for the Olympics

Tom Purcell on

Maybe croquet could improve the ratings for the 2021 Summer Olympics?

Please allow me to explain.

The COVID-delayed 2020 Olympics are on track to be the lowest watched games of the 21st century, according to marketing research firm Zeta Global.

The company has found that “More than 60 percent of Americans were unable to express excitement or interest in the summer games, and at least 45 percent of Americans confirmed they are NOT looking forward to the Games in any capacity.”

That’s a shame, to be sure. Billions of yen have been spent by the Japanese to host the Games.

And the finest athletes in the world — gymnasts and sprinters to skateboarders — have been preparing their entire lives for these competitions. Their excellence and dedication alone should motivate us to tune in.


But a combination of COVID concerns and woke athletes using their platform for political protests has dampened enthusiasm for the Summer Games for the average American.

So why not bring back croquet?

Most people have played the game at a picnic or backyard barbecue. None of us were ever very good at it, and it gets pretty complicated if you want to play by the official rules.

But I bet many people would enjoy watching well-practiced pros play it in the Olympics.


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Copyright 2021 Tom Purcell, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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