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The End of the Handshake? 

Tom Purcell on

Paleoanthropologist Ella Al-Shamahi, author of “The Handshake: A Gripping History,” tells MSN that the handshake is “rooted in our DNA.”

“The handshake is one of the gold standards of human connection and that is why we see it so much all over the world,” she says.

Before COVID, business magazines stressed the importance of a proper handshake to make a good impression on others.

A 2011 Huffington Post article titled “The Power of a Handshake: How Touch Sustains Personal and Business Relationships” explains how the power of touch sustains personal and business relationships.

It cites University of Iowa research that found that the handshake is rooted “in the age old need to connect with other people.”

The handshake is “a first step toward affiliation: the building of a bond with another person.”


It is “the foundation of trade with others.”

The article further explains that our feelings about someone else, and the pleasure we feel in cooperating, all begin with a handshake.

That surely has been my experience.

When someone greets me with a cold, clammy handshake and a weak grip, my impression of that person is not positive.


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