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Ever Have A Near-Death Experience?

Danny Tyree on

Many accounts of NDEs end with deceased relatives shooing the participant away, declaring, “It’s not your time yet! It’s not your time yet!” Forget ducks! The afterlife has been taken over by the DMV!

An impressive majority of people who report NDEs experience new-found tranquility and purpose for the remainder of their lives. While in their NDE, they feel an interconnectedness with all mankind, a sensation of being “one with the universe.” Granted, the ones who express it as being “one drop of water in a vast ocean” often wake up on the operating table to learn a mischievous intern has placed their hand in a pan of warm water.

Skeptics scramble to find some scientific way to explain away the NDEs. Surely, they insist, there must be some evolutionary reason that crises trigger such “hallucinations” in the gray matter’s chemistry and wiring. I thought Charles Darwin wrote about “survival of the fittest,” not “survival of the guy who saw his great-grandmother riding a giant butterfly.”

Yes, some people are fakers. Some are misguided. But I’d like to think the evidence for our spiritual component remains strong.

However, if I am blessed to enter heaven, I’m settling for an Uno deck.


I’m not sabotaging everything with that “7 Minutes” misstep. No, sir! Cross my heart and hope to…never mind.


Copyright 2021 Danny Tyree. Danny welcomes email responses at tyreetyrades@aol.com and visits to his Facebook fan page “Tyree’s Tyrades.” Danny’s weekly column is distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. newspaper syndicate.

Copyright 2021 Danny Tyree, All Rights Reserved. Credit: Cagle.com




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