From the Right



Trump's 'animal' instincts toward immigrants go beyond MS-13

Ruben Navarrette Jr. on

-- Dr. Pat Bertroche, a candidate for Congress from Iowa, noted that he can microchip his dog and asked: "Why can't I microchip an illegal?"

-- Tennessee state Rep. Curry Todd insisted that illegal immigrants come to this country and multiply "like rats."

-- Rep. Steve King of Iowa wanted an electrified fence on the U.S.-Mexico border because it works "with livestock."

Trump's defenders made excuses for him, just as they did when he labeled Mexican immigrants drug traffickers and rapists.

I have to wonder: Why does someone who bills himself as a great communicator always need clarification when he talks about immigrants?

Besides, while Trump did mention MS-13 in doubling down the next day, he did not refer to the gang in his initial remarks at the White House. And it's not the job of journalists to read his mind and try to figure out what he meant, only to report what he said.

That also applied to Hillary Clinton, who -- while pushing for a crime bill in the 1990s -- warned about a mob of violent young people who she called "super predators" who had to be brought "to heel." Many African-Americans complained -- and still maintain to this day -- that Clinton was comparing young black men to animals. Clinton's supporters claimed her words were taken out of context. There is a lot of that going around.


Meanwhile, Trump likes to portray himself as bravely standing up to political correctness.

Fine. Then he should stand up and admit that his antipathy toward immigrants is not limited to gang members. Such an admission would show maturity, honesty and character.

And those are things that separate us from the animals.


Ruben Navarrette's email address is His daily podcast, "Navarrette Nation," is available through every podcast app.

(c) 2018, The Washington Post Writers Group




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