From the Right



Congress' do-nothing immigration bills

Ruben Navarrette Jr. on

SAN DIEGO -- Immigration is a major league policy challenge. But Congress, having recently passed a pair of bills that will accomplish nothing, is stuck playing in the minors.

There are many risk-averse members of the legislative branch who prefer simple ideas over doing the hard things that might put them at odds with donors or anger constituents. The result: scores of lawmakers -- most often Republicans, but also some Democrats -- who haven't let the fact that they don't know the first thing about immigration stop them from feeling passionately about the topic.

Of course, they're not the only folks in Washington who are ignorant when it comes to this fiery and divisive issue.

Just look at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. As he discussed plans for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border with reporters aboard Air Force One, President Trump suggested that "there is a very good chance we could do a solar wall" that would double as a massive energy saver.

And people said we couldn't save the planet while making America white again.

Trump also said that drug smugglers may have devised a new if primitive weapon to use against border patrol agents.


"As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them -- they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It's over."

So, in order to spare border patrol agents from being walloped in the head, Trump wants a wall that agents can see through -- even if that means we wind up with little more than "a steel wall with openings."

Got it. Just because we don't have transparency in the Russia investigation doesn't mean we shouldn't have it on the border.

Finally, Trump admitted that the length of the proposed structure was likely to be a lot shorter than advertised.


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