From the Right



On immigration, conservatives premiere a new office of political theater

Ruben Navarrette Jr. on

Politicizing crime is not a good idea. Instead of engaging in these stunts, the administration should fix our broken immigration enforcement system.

For conservatives, the simple solution is more deportations. But what makes these naive right-wingers think that people who get deported actually stay deported?

According to immigration officials, Banda-Acosta has already been deported 15 times since 2002. The last time he was removed, he was back sleeping in his own bed just 10 days later.

Bad apples like this don't deserve a free bus ticket to visit family members across the border, so they can come right back when the visit is over. They deserve prison time, where their crime was committed -- the United States.

That's common sense. Which explains why you're not hearing it from an administration that puts a higher premium on political theater.



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