From the Right



If You're Latino and Were Offended by a Certain Candidate, Make Sure You Vote

Ruben Navarrett Jr. on

Latinos might be taken more seriously if we were less selective in our outrage, and if we weren't so quick to cut Democrats so much slack.

In trying to justify mass deportations, Obama has insisted that his priority is to remove "gang-bangers or criminals." While stumping for an anti-crime bill in the 1990s, Hillary Clinton -- in an apparent reference to African-American teenagers -- referred to them as "the kinds of kids who are called 'super predators'" and said "we have to bring them to heel."

Clearly, Democrats can be as offensive and tone-deaf as the next guy -- especially when it comes to race. And we need to call them on it.

But being offended is easy. Let's just hope everyone who got their feelings hurt by something that Trump said or did during this campaign shows up at the polls and votes.

Jan Brewer doesn't think that will happen. The intensely unlikable former Arizona governor -- who signed into law an immigration measure that required local and state law enforcement officers to ethnically profile Latinos -- claimed last week that Clinton would have a tough time winning Arizona on the support of Latino Democrats because, as Brewer told The Boston Globe, "they don't get out and vote."

I hope Latinos prove her wrong. This election is too important. How you vote is your business. Write in someone, or vote for a third party. But vote.


The best reason to vote for Clinton is not because you believe that she cares about you or will keep her promises; it's to stop Trump. And the best reason to vote for Trump is not because you believe that he'll change a system that made him rich and famous or will keep his promises; it's to defeat Clinton.

As for me, I remain "Never, Never." I've chosen this path because I see the truth in the meme I read recently that described Trump as representing "everything that is wrong with our culture" and Clinton as embodying "everything that is wrong with our government." That about covers it.


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