From the Right



Kiran Ridley/Getty Images North America/TNS

Paris has transformed into a dystopian nightmare ahead of Olympics

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – Bonjour, world! Bienvenue to the Paris Olympic Games! Come for the propaganda, stay for the rampant authoritarianism!

The tone couldn’t have been better set. Paris blew €1.5 billion to “clean up” the Seine river — effectively an open-air sewer — promising Parisians a long-term legacy of open water swimming using ...Read more

Niyi Fote/Cover Images/Cover Images

The Trump Fist-Pump is an Icon for Our Times

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — Between the mugshot and the assassination survival fist-pump, Trump now has more bad boy anti-establishment iconic images than Che Guevara. That’s always bad news for the elites trying to destroy an ideology.

It’s when under extreme pressure or threat that one finds out what they’re really made of, behind the facade of marketing...Read more

Handout/Getty Images North America/TNS

‘Weekend at Biden’s’ is just the latest Western democracy farce

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — Remember that’80s movie, “Weekend at Bernie’s,” where a couple of guys spend their vacation dragging around their deceased boss like he was still alive so they could keep using his beach house? Note to Biden’s enablers: that wasn’t supposed to be a documentary.

If Biden, or anyone around him, actually thinks that democracy...Read more

EVELYN HOCKSTEIN/AFP/Getty Images North America/TNS

Here’s who should replace Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – A whopping 51 million viewers tuned into CNN for the debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, probably in many cases for the same reason that folks enjoy watching NASCAR races. There’s always a risk of a spectacular crash.

But what happened here was that the drivers spun out and crashed, exploded into a ...Read more

Lemouton Stephane/Pool/ABACA/Lemouton Stephane/Pool/ABACA

The World is Watching to See if French Patriots Will Take Their Country Back

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — On June 30, French voters will head to the polls in a national election that wasn’t even on the horizon a month ago. But since France’s president decided to use democratic institutions as a tool to tell the little people to shove it, French patriots now have a golden opportunity to do the same to him and his globalist pals.

“I'...Read more


The next G7 summit should be held in outer space

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — The globalist leaders of the G7 group of industrialized nations are fresh off a meeting in the south of Italy. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said that the location sends a signal to the global south that the G7 isn’t a fortress and that it’s totally open. Oh, please. They aren’t even open to their own voters.

The G7 is ...Read more

Lemouton Stephane/Pool/ABACA/Lemouton Stephane/Pool/ABACA

Europe’s elections send a warning to America

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – Hardly a week goes by without a public debate over whether America is headed toward civil war. According to a May 2024 Marist National Poll, nearly half of Americans of all political stripes felt that it was likely at some point.

But there’s little actual introspection about what’s driving this notion.

“Trump could still lead ...Read more

Barry Williams/New York Daily News/TNS

Trump’s Felony Convictions as Seen from Europe

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS – Former US President Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 felony counts in a New York court comes just as attacks on the European anti-establishment, with anti-globalist positions similar to Trump’s, are ramping up to fever pitch ahead of parliamentary elections set for June 6-9, across all 27 member states of the European Union. An ...Read more


This Western Government Just Abruptly Cut Off TikTok to Deafening Silence

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — Much has been made of the controversy in the U.S. over banning the social media app, TikTok, under the ludicrous premise that it’s a Chinese Trojan horse responsible for kids being dumb. And now a country historically synonymous with revolution and revolt is now pinning recent unrest on TikTok, blocking the app since May 14 on part ...Read more

Jamie McCarthy/Getty Images North America/TNS

Cannes Film Festival stars slam the right, oblivious to their own ideological straitjacket

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — It’ s bad enough that the contrast between the “haves” and “have- nots” seems to be increasingly evident in Western society. Enter tone-deaf Hollywood to make things even worse.

Stars have recently taken to the red carpet at events like the Met Gala in New York and the Cannes Film Festival here in France, which are ...Read more


Paris Olympics poised to take the gold medal in virtue signaling

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

PARIS — “So, just how bad are the bed bugs?” That’s the question most often asked on my recent trip to North America upon learning that I’m based in Paris, where the Summer Olympic Games are slated for two weeks in July and August. Bedbugs are now just about the least of mounting concerns subjected to blame-shifting and grandstanding ...Read more


New survey suggests that the climate change scam is becoming a joke

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Do you suffer from climate anxiety? A new survey suggests that you might find yourself increasingly alone. Apparently, the constant fear-mongering isn’t working too well anymore.

When 2,230 American adults last month were given a list of issues and asked to judge their importance, “climate change” scored ...Read more


Lifelong working poor are being vilified as ‘rich’ to pay for Western government mistakes

From the Right / Rachel Marsden /

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Young people are freaking out about the current cost of living crisis. But following their feelings is about the worst thing they could do if they ever want their situation to improve, particularly when it comes to identifying who’s really responsible for the mess they’re in.

American Pollster Frank Luntz ...Read more



Andy Marlette Clay Bennett Al Goodwyn Gary McCoy Christopher Weyant John Deering