From the Right



Ignore the Scaremongering Mainstream Media!

John Stossel on

"There's always a scare," I point out.

"Catastrophe, exaggeration," he says, "That gets the clicks."

Entine complains that the media rarely interview serious scientists for its scare stories.

"They have the Environmental Working Group or Pesticide Action Network framing these issues ... Hysteria generates donations. The oxygen for these organizations is money."

Sadly, "Many of these (environment) groups harm people."

How? By convincing gullible politicians to ban fertilizers and new pesticides even though the new chemicals are usually safer.


For example, even with worldwide honeybee populations at record highs, the European Union prohibited the use of noenicitinoids, a common insecticide, out of fear they might kill bees.

That means farmers use older, more dangerous chemicals that actually do kill bees.

But why use these chemicals at all?

I push back at Entine, "'Natural' food advocates say: 'Organic! You don't have to have chemicals! Buy organic and you don't get them!"


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Bill Day Darrin Bell Dick Wright John Deering Bill Bramhall John Darkow