From the Right



I Wish Republicans and Democrats Were as Sensible as the Libertarian Candidate!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Now it's Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris. But there will be another choice on your ballot: Chase Oliver. Both Trump and former Democrat-turned-independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the Libertarian Party convention, asking for their nomination, but Oliver won their votes. He's a 38-year-old political activist and businessman. Rolling ...Read more

Trump's Promises to Repeal Regulation are a Step Toward Freedom!

From the Right / John Stossel /

This week, Donald Trump will officially become the Republican nominee. Soon he is likely to again be president, according to the most accurate predictions, which come from people who put their money where their mouths are -- people who bet. They currently give Trump a 67% chance of winning. President Joe Biden's chances have fallen below 20%. ...Read more

Tariffs Hurt Many More Americans Than They Help!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Joe Biden and Donald Trump fight about everything. But they agree about one thing: tariffs, the subject of my new video. Trump imposed tariffs on steel, aluminum, washing machines, solar panels and other products from China. Then Biden took office and slapped a 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles. Now Trump says, if elected, he'll impose ...Read more

Biden Slept, Trump Lied, and Kennedy Wasn't Much Better!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Last week, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. asked me to moderate what he called "The Real Debate." Kennedy was angry with CNN because it wouldn't let him join its Trump-Biden debate. His people persuaded Elon Musk to carry his Real Debate on Twitter. They asked me to give RFK Jr. the same questions, with the same time limits. I ...Read more

Libertatran Chase Oliver is a Candidate Who Cares About Freedom!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Former President Donald Trump spoke at the Libertarian Party convention, asking delegates to vote for him, promising, "I will put a libertarian in my Cabinet!" But Libertarians nominated Chase Oliver instead. Unlike most political candidates, Oliver learned about the world by working regular jobs.

"My first job was dishwasher," he tells me. "...Read more

Cowardly Politicians Won't Reign in Irresponsible Spending!

From the Right / John Stossel /

America is now almost $35 trillion in debt. That means every American owes $100,000. The Biden administration doesn't care. They want to spend more. Already they are spending so much that they're increasing our debt by a trillion dollars every 100 days. President Donald Trump was no better. His administration increased our debt by ...Read more

He's Right! It's Unfair! All Kids Should Have That Choice!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Government-run schools keep failing. It shouldn't surprise us. Monopolies rarely serve customers well. People call them "public schools," but "government-run" is more accurate. After all, charter schools are available to the public. Privately run supermarkets are open to the public for more hours than "public" schools are.

International tests ...Read more

Why Did the Libertarians Boo Trump? Because He's an Authoritatian?

From the Right / John Stossel /

Donald Trump recently spoke at the Libertarian National Convention. Good for him. It's encouraging that he reached out to those of us who often disagree with him. We libertarians put individual liberty first. We think government that governs least governs best. That's a reason we fear today's Democrats. In their eagerness to tax and regulate, ...Read more

Interfering With Market Prices Always Creates Nasty Unintended Consequences

From the Right / John Stossel /

California now leads the nation in imposing dumb wage laws. The state just raised the hourly minimum wage for fast food workers to $20. Gov. Gavin Newsom said, "We saw the inequities. ... we had a responsibility to do more." Unions pushed for the higher minimum, and in Democrat-run states, unions usually get what they want.

CNN announced, "Half...Read more

Ignore the Scaremongering Mainstream Media!

From the Right / John Stossel /

Have you heard about the "bee-pocalypse?" Honeybees are dying! It's another environmental crisis we're supposed to worry about. The media call it "bee-pocalypse" and "bee-mageddon!" A YouTube video with 15 million views says bee-mageddon "could lead to millions of people starving!" Even Fox News shrieked, "Do you like to eat? The disappearance ...Read more

Censorship is a Global Pandemic!

From the Right / John Stossel /

"Palestine will be free!" chant the protesters. "From the river to the sea. Some says that's a call for genocide -- another holocaust -- elimination of Israel and all Jews. So, should the chant be illegal? The House of Representatives just voted to make it illegal at universities. Both Republicans and Democrats voted for the bill. Canadian ...Read more

'Drain the Swamp'

From the Right / John Stossel /

Presidential candidate Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp!"

The "swamp" is the permanent Washington bureaucracy working to perpetuate itself.

In 2020, then-President Trump said he was succeeding: "We're draining the Washington swamp!"

But it's not true.

"He made government bigger," Economist Ed Stringham says in my new video....Read more

I Don't Believe Anyone Knows How to Make Government Work!

From the Right / John Stossel /

President Joe Biden says, "I know how to make government work!" You'd think he'd know. He's worked in government for 51 years. But the truth is, no one can make government work. Biden hasn't. Look at the chaos at the border, our military's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, the rising cost of living, our unsustainable record-high debt. ...Read more



Jeff Koterba RJ Matson Peter Kuper David Horsey A.F. Branco Dick Wright