From the Right



Goodbye to Joe Biden

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

Joe Biden is no longer the Democratic presidential nominee.

After weeks of heartburn from the Democratic political establishment -- and the unique spectacle of the media finally holding the Democrats accountable for their dishonesty -- Biden announced this week that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. That announcement followed...Read more

God's Hand on Donald J. Trump

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

An inch.

One inch, and President Donald J. Trump would be dead.

One slight turn of the head.

One slight turn of the head saved Donald J. Trump's life.

The fact that Donald J. Trump is alive today is a miracle. There is no other way to see it. His assassin had a clear line of sight. He was 135 meters from Trump. He got off multiple rounds. ...Read more

The 5 Stages of Biden Grief

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

With the revelation over the past two weeks that President Joe Biden is mentally and physically diminished, Democrats have traveled through all five stages of grief; first, they experienced denial; then anger; then bargaining; next, depression; finally, acceptance. But what they're accepting is not Joe Biden's mental decline. What they're ...Read more

Joe Biden Just Destroyed Himself and the Media

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

Last week, President Joe Biden gave the worst debate performance on the presidential stage in history. Looking ancient, gazing glassy-eyed and slack-jawed out of frame, jabbering nonsensically -- Donald Trump clocked him with the signally true observation, "I really don't know what he said at the end of that sentence, and I don't think he ...Read more

What Trump Needs To Do In Debate

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

The 2024 election is Donald Trump's to lose.

Right now, he is running even with Joe Biden in all the national polls. He's running ahead in Arizona, Georgia and Nevada; he's running even in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin; he's closing within striking distance in Minnesota and New Hampshire. The map has radically expanded for him. ...Read more

The Democratic Subversion of Democracy

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

We have heard repeatedly during this election cycle that Donald Trump is a deep and abiding threat to democracy. That threat supposedly springs from Trump's belief that he won the 2020 election, as well as his promotion of the specious legal theory that the vice president has the unilateral power to invalidate certified state electoral votes. ...Read more

Of 'Convicted Felons' and Lying Frauds

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

Last week, a New York City jury, prompted by the legal coordination between Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan -- both partisan actors -- convicted Donald Trump on 34 felony counts having to do with falsification of business records. Or election fraud. Or more tax issues. Or ... something. Nobody really knows, and apparently it ...Read more

The Campaign of Delusion

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

Here are a few signs of a losing campaign:

No. 1: Poll denial.

No. 2: Inability to shift course.

No. 3: Celebrity cameos.

Welcome to Joe Biden's 2024 campaign.

The Biden campaign is rife with simultaneous panic and poll denial. According to Politico, "A pervasive sense of fear has settled in at the highest levels of the Democratic Party ....Read more

There Is No 'International Law'

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

One of the great qualities of the West is its belief in the directionality of history. Many ancient cultures believed that history was circular: Native American cultures often believed that reality itself was circular; Hinduism thinks similarly. The Judeo-Christian West thought differently: that God exists outside of time, but that He guides ...Read more

Joe Biden, Political Pinwheel

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

Joe Biden is not a person of principle or character. He is a lifelong politician who has spent decades shifting his positions on nearly every major issue. If one had to define Biden's political worldview, it would be simply this: Follow the Democratic herd, and desperately attempt to place yourself dead center in the middle of it. Joe Biden is...Read more

If You Can't Tell the Bad Guy in Israel Versus Hamas, You're the Problem

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

The war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip is the most morally clear conflict in modern history. It pits an actual terrorist group that just engaged in the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust against a democratic country that protects citizens Jewish, Muslim and Christian. It pits a monstrously evil tentacle of Iran -- handed ...Read more

Will the Students Globalize the Intifada?

From the Right / Ben Shapiro /

America's college campuses are in a state of complete meltdown -- at least in blue states, where administrators cater to the whims of these America-hating dolts. But why are these students -- the most privileged people in literally world history -- LARPing as terrorists and stanning for murderous groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian ...Read more



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