From the Left



Hannity ran out of questions to ask Trump Jr. I can think of a few more.

Ruth Marcus on

Given the fact of this meeting and that it was attended by two other senior campaign officials, how do you justify that statement?

You said that you did not mention the meeting to your father at the time because, "It was such a nothing, there was nothing to tell." Please describe how and when you did inform your father of the meeting or, if you did not do so directly, how he was informed. Please describe any conversations you have had with your father, his attorneys or White House officials about the meeting.

Mr. Trump, you said that you released the emails because "I wanted to get it all out there" and you accused critics of "trying to drag out the story. ... They want to drip a little bit today, drip a little bit then."

But you have provided shifting accounts of the meeting, first describing it as being "primarily" about the adoption program. Only when confronted did you acknowledge that it concerned possible dirt on Hillary Clinton. You released the emails only after being informed that The New York Times was about to do so.

Who, exactly, is trying to drag out the story? Does this constitute transparency, in your view?



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