From the Left



The Roberts Supreme Court: Too Extreme for Voters

Jamie Stiehm on

Americans of all kinds feel the court intruded too far into our personal lives, causing agonizing medical plights and travel to other states.

In a tragic result, Texas logged 25,000 rape-related pregnancies since Dobbs. The human toll that outlawing reproductive rights takes is coming home.

The first rule of politics: There is nothing like witnessing personal injustice to mobilize one. Life, liberty and all that jazz is on the line for women and girls. (Minors have it even worse.)

Dobbs is making females captive to their own bodies, forcing them to cross state lines for medical treatment. In Alito's voice, the Roberts court is saying that females can never have full human rights. We are a second-class caste.

With sweet dreams of Brown v. Board of Education (desegregating schools), elite law professors teach the court as a fair, wise and rational branch. But students often challenge that.


The echo across time is all too clear.


The author may be reached at To find out more about Jamie Stiehm and other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonists, please visit


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